Our Programs
Information and Awareness services are funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and helps newcomers adapt and settle in Canada efficiently and effectively. This includes information and orientation on immigration, healthcare, education, employment, form filling, translation/interpretation, supportive crisis counselling and referrals to government and community resources.
Our settlement counsellors serve and work with the newcomers’ community in the Peel Region to facilitate their settlement and integration in Canada. Settlement counsellors work with the clients in helping them break barriers and create an action plan that helps them achieve their ultimate goal in Canada. In addition to the one-on-one services provided, information and group sessions are facilitated regularly by settlement staff or expert guest speakers from the community. Participants will have a better understanding of the Canadian Culture and systems which will allow them to make informed decisions while also providing a smoother settlement transition into the Canadian society.
Some of these settlement workshops include:
- Accessing Settlement Services Online
- Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
- Money Management/Financial Literacy
- Transportation
- Housing/Landlord/Tenants Rights
- Education System in Ontario
- Canadian Workplace Culture
- Stress Management
- Crisis Counselling
- Wills/Legal Matters
- Life Skills
- Orientation to Ontario
- Navigating the Labour market
For more information email us: services@bmccentre.org